The Boehrigs! They have arrived safe and sound in Swaziland and fter several days of rain they have set up the tent in the rental yard where they'll be "living" til property legalities are settled. Property problems have been the greatest hurdle for Brian to contend with over the year that he has been searching for land, clearing land, property lines, property ownership. Seems like once something appears to "be it" satan finds someone willing to step forward to upset the apple cart. This coming weekend another tribal meeting is scheduled to finalize the decision of Manna being the rightful owner of the latest property where a dwelling has already been built. It's comforting to know that the community is supportive of us and are our spokespeople. We appreciate your prayers.
The anticipation of living amongst our neighbors grows greater as more time is desired to spend with the children at the feeding program. Thank you for those of you who have given towards this work and continue to give. The feeding program is one of those efforts that go on and on and we are always in need of help.
A positive note is that with the rains came moisture that has improved Brian's breathing. The dry season seems to give him a lot of problem with his lungs. Thank you for your prayers!!
Anyone that knows me knows my passion for Africa, especially those lost and now I give thanks to God that we will be returning to Swaziland to start a new Manna project. The main thrust of the work is to reach the lost, equip them so they can tell their neighbor and countrymen the Good News of salvation through the blood of our loving Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. To stay with them long enough to bring them to maturity without enabling them and then to go find new "men and women of peace" and start sowing seed all over again. The goal is to disciple people to GO and disciple people to Go and disciple people and so on. Churches planting churches, not limiting God by our lack of faith and limited vision but to dream "God Possible".
We go in to start the work September 13th, 2011. Please keep us in your prayers.
-Pray for "the men of peace" (Luke 10) that God is preparing before we even get there.
-Pray that we have courage no matter what the circumstances and that God give us wisdom and all we need to be faithful men and women in the harvest fields.
-Pray that we will not grow weary and that when our Lord returns He will be able to say "Well done, good and faithful servants".
-Pray for the people of Swaziland that many will come to be set free from sin.