This past Wednesday we arrived at the “feeding center” at 9am where several ladies were already
cooking the children's lunch on an open fire under a tree. The children range from toddlers to 5 and 6years old with a few older ones who can't afford to go to school. They are fed a breakfast of porridge
and a lunch of beans and “pop” (something similar to grits) six times a week as long as the staples
supplied by World Vision last through the month.
They let us know a list of their needs in better being able to tend to the feeding of these little ones:
First and most importantly are pots. They are borrowing neighbors' pots and if a funeral or need of the community requires the use of the pots else where they aren't able to feed the children.
2. Sometimes the donated food doesn't last for the month and may be delayed in coming for a month and the children “go to sleep with water only”.
3. A shelter out of the rain to cook and feed the children would allow them to not have cancelations due to weather.
4. And to have someone help prepare the pre-school children with some basic education and English (which is taught in the schools) so they'll have a better understanding when or if able to attend school.
To see these people doing all within their abilities to care for these children is such an encouragement
to us and our desire is to bless them in however we can, but we need financial help. Please pray and
contribute whatever you are able to help these children have a chance of what so many take for granted.